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Leadership Blog
Yengyee Lor
Nov 20, 20242 min read
The Power of Forgiveness: Releasing to Heal
Forgiveness is a radical act of courage and liberation. It’s not about erasing the past or pretending it didn’t hurt—it’s about...

Yengyee Lor
Sep 17, 20243 min read
Creating Lasting Culture Change: Moving Beyond Check Boxes
Culture change is not just about ticking boxes—it’s about truly transforming behaviors, mindsets, and the values that define an...

Yengyee Lor
Jul 16, 20242 min read
Success is the Dance Between Effort and Ease
When we think about success, the first things that often come to mind are hard work, dedication, and persistence. While these qualities...

Yengyee Lor
Jul 10, 20244 min read
Overcoming Paralyzing Moments: How to Reclaim Your Life from Anxiety
There are certain things in my life that still completely paralyze me, such as moving to a new place. This might seem like a simple, even...

Yengyee Lor
Jun 21, 20242 min read
Stumbling Reflections: Finding Compassion and Drive in Mistakes
My heart breaks for so many reasons. There are moments when it feels as if our mistakes are pre-destined, out of our control, no matter...

Yengyee Lor
May 26, 20245 min read
Understanding and Addressing Annoying Behavior: A Guide for Both Sides
Persistent annoying behavior can significantly strain personal and professional relationships. Whether you're dealing with someone who...

Yengyee Lor
Apr 29, 20244 min read
The Danger of Implicit Bias in Everyday Decisions
Implicit bias refers to the attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner....

Yengyee Lor
Apr 22, 20243 min read
🌟 Rise Above: Letting Go of Ego and Pettiness for a Heart-Centered Leadership 🌟
As we navigate our professional and personal lives, it's common for the ego to subtly intrude and cloud our judgment. When the ego takes...

Yengyee Lor
Apr 18, 20243 min read
🌟 Take Initiative: A Personal Journey in Partnering with Yourself 🌟
As a consultant and leadership trainer, I've often seen incredibly talented individuals hold themselves back by waiting for the 'perfect'...

Apr 1, 20226 min read
About Hmong
In Honor of Hmong Heritage Month, we would like to share a paper written by our President's daughter, Fayth Yang (10 yrs old)....

Yengyee Lor
May 20, 20203 min read
The Art of Achieving Daily Peace and Happiness
I was plagued with anxiety before, during, and after I decided to separate and divorce in early 2017. It was as if the person driving,...

Yengyee Lor
Mar 17, 20204 min read
Healing a Broken Heart
Everyone at one point or another has experienced heartbreak, whether it is with friends, family, or an intimate partner. A broken heart...

Yengyee Lor
Mar 15, 20202 min read
Leading Remotely With Engagement and Productivity
If you did not know, my dissertation topic was on virtual/remote leadership. Yes, I studied all sorts of leadership, but my focus was on...

Yengyee Lor
Mar 13, 20202 min read
Strategies To Lead Under Pressure
The measure of a person's leadership is not when things are going smoothly, but when they face difficulties. In these moments, decisions...

Yengyee Lor
Apr 10, 20192 min read
Coming To Terms With My Enemy
Person A: He hasn't texted me back. Person B: He is cheating on you. Person A: Maybe he is busy. Person B: How can he be busy, he was...

Anna Moua
Apr 9, 20192 min read
What is a Virtual Assistant?
A virtual assistant (VA) is self-employed and provides professional administrative, creative, or social media assistance to clients...

Yengyee Lor
May 23, 20183 min read
Hiring The Right Coach
Written October 23, 2015 and updated May 23, 2018: First off, what is coaching? Coaching is “partnering with clients in a...

Yengyee Lor
May 23, 20183 min read
Leaders Embrace Growth
Written November 3, 2015 and updated May 23, 2018: I have been reading the book, "The Laws of Lifetime Growth" written by Dan Sullivan...

Yengyee Lor
May 9, 20183 min read
The Courage of a Four Year Old Knows No Boundaries!
Written November 7, 2015 and updated May 9, 2018: As I was watching/recording my four-year old girl go out and perform her best in the 25...

Yengyee Lor
May 9, 20183 min read
Creating You - (Revised and Updated Version)
Written November 15, 2015: I was looking through some photos recently and came upon this one of my dad that I edited to make it look like...
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